Flying and the climate
Flying and the climate
How we fly today
What effect do flight emissions have?
Modes of transport compared
Air pollutants and noise pollution
Flying and politics
Flying and politics
Additional subsidies and a lack of political regulation
European and international regulation
Staying grounded
Staying grounded
Re-thinking – a different perspective on flying
Personal stories
Business trips
What can I do?
What can be done in freight transport?
Protest movements
How does offsetting work?
Is offsetting useful?
A question of quality
From offsetting to "climate responsibility"?
Practical steps and recommendations for offsetting and climate responsibility
Future perspectives
Future perspectives
Future development of aviation
Technologies for more climate protection
© fStopImages/Malte Müller
1: Climate-damaging effects
2: Flying and politics
3: Staying grounded
4: Offsetting
5: Future perspectives
Air traffic: A vision for the future
The regulation of air transport today
Development of greenhouse gas emission in the EU
Changing the perspective on flying
Offsetting versus climate responsibility in companies and organisations
How the climate effects of aviation can be reduced
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